Most of the content on Literary Kicks is in the form of blog posts and articles, which you can browse chronologically on this page.
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We have a separate archive of the message boards that were active on this site from 2001 to 2004.

Pacifism: Rescue the Word
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
November 4, 2015

The Fractal Pillar: Website as Philosophical Argument
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
November 2, 2015

Practical Pacifism: How We Defeat ISIL
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
October 26, 2015

Practical Pacifism: The Simple Equation
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
October 23, 2015

Keeping Henry Thoreau Around
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
October 16, 2015

Pacifism is Good Medicine for Gun Violence
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
October 10, 2015

Please Donate! Announcing Our Secret Project …
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
October 7, 2015

What We’re Creating Next
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
September 30, 2015

Herschel Silverman, the Bebop Beatnik Candy Store Poet of Bayonne, New Jersey
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
September 21, 2015

Does Nonviolence Work? Ta-Nehisi Coates and Maria Stephan
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
September 8, 2015

The Internet Age Began on August 9, 1995
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
August 8, 2015

My Summer Vacation at Willa Cather Camp
Sherri Hoffman Hoye
July 31, 2015

Birth Pangs: When Kerouac Met The Web
Tim K. Gallaher
July 23, 2015

The Noble Racist: Atticus Finch and the Ashley Wilkes Principle
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
July 14, 2015

Let’s Head Back to Tennessee, Jed
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
July 6, 2015

Conjuring the Beat Generation: Gerd Stern and the Cassady Kin
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
June 19, 2015

Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
June 12, 2015

About Us (2015)
Marc Eliot Stein
May 28, 2015

A Beat Gathering in San Francisco, June 27 and 28
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
May 27, 2015

Satin Island: Tom McCarthy’s Humanistic Weave
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
May 13, 2015

Ta-Nehisi Coates is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong About Nonviolence
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
April 28, 2015

First There Is A Mountain
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
April 20, 2015

Appomattox: How a War Ends
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
April 9, 2015

Sixteen Songs About a Ship of Fools
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
March 29, 2015

Ship of Fools, the Enduring Metaphor
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
March 24, 2015

Pacifism Weekend: Why The Iran Deal Is Very Good News
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
March 15, 2015

Nicholson Baker and Him: A Talk with J. C. Hallman
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
March 10, 2015

From Contradiction to Cartoon: Reflections of Napoleon Bonaparte
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
March 2, 2015

Kathy Acker: Dead Doll Humility
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
February 24, 2015

Geek Sublime by Vikram Chandra
Levi Asher aka Marc Eliot Stein
February 15, 2015