1. Forest Hills. I don’t know these people but I feel like I do.
2. Forget Roy Kroc and Colonel Sanders. When it comes to fast food genius, Glen “Taco” Bell was the man. He actually invented the hard shell taco, and is one of my heroes. He died on Sunday.
3. Former Fug and Lower East Side latter day beatnik Tuli Kupferburg, meanwhile, has run into hard times and will be touted at a benefit this Friday night at St. Ann’s in Brooklyn.
4. I totally disagree with William Major about the great Ralph Waldo Emerson, but I like the way he writes.
5. Steve Martin is writing again — yay.
5. Mark Thwaite’s heartfelt take on Shakespeare’s Hamlet at ReadySteadyBook. I have at times in my life felt similarly intensely about this play.
6. The New York Public Library has a cool new website and is currently highlighting Voltaire’s Candide.
7. Project Gutenberg turns forty.
8. The saga of Paige Williams and Dolly Freed.
2 Responses
Slumgoddess on the lower
Slumgoddess on the lower eastside
Slumgoddess–gonna make her my bride
I really enjoyed this
I really enjoyed this video…especially got the irony and a kick out of the “Schroeder” piano. This film gotta lotta moxey!