LitKicks Quick Picks

We’ll be back with more literary love and infotainment in the morning, but in the meantime do yourself a favor and check it:

— If you haven’t picked up a copy of LitKicks’ Action Poetry, what are you waiting for? This is a great book with a lot of fresh voices — a perfect travelling companion for your summer road trip. Support emerging styles, indie writers and underrepresented markets by purchasing this collection. And if you like it, tell everyone you know.

— Got the book? Get the gear — don’t forget to check out our selection of LitKicks shirts, hats and totes here, as well as here. My personal favorites are the “Got Absinthe?” t-shirts — want to make people stop in their tracks? This is one way to do it.

— Is anger management the way to go, or should you just let it flow? Revisit this interesting discussion from October Earth.

— Can’t get away this summer? Take a trip to Tangier as Levi highlights the literary connections and history of this exotic port.

— Who says we only write around here? Visit the archives and check out the Postage Stamp Series. You may not be able to send a letter to your grandma with these, but they sure look cool.

One Response

  1. this is funlooking back on
    this is fun

    looking back on some of the things we’ve done, especially October Earth and the Tangier article. One day I will write about my trip to Tangier.

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What We're Up To ...

Litkicks turned 30 years old in the summer of 2024! We can’t believe it ourselves. We don’t run as many blog posts about books and writers as we used to, but founder Marc Eliot Stein aka Levi Asher is busy running two podcasts. Please check out our latest work!