The Works of Philip Lamantia

Thanks to Kelly Nagle for preparing this bibliography. Last updated 1995

Erotic Poems, Bern Porter Books, 1946.

Ekstasis, Auerhahn Press, 1959.

Destroyed Works, Auerhahn Press, 1962.

Touch of the Marvelous, Oyez, 1966.
(Republished by Four Seasons Foundations, 1974)

Selected Poems 1943-1966, City Lights Books, 1967.

The Blood of the Air, Four Seasons Foundation, 1970.

Becoming Visible, City Lights Books, 1981.

Meadowlark West, City Lights, 1986.

Bed of Sphinxes: New and Selected Poems 1943-1993, City Lights Books 1997.

Literary Kicks
by Levi Asher