1. Enough with the outrage about O. J. Simpson’s If I Did It. The book will be dead on arrival anyway, so who cares about it? What’s really obscene, I think, is that some publisher will probably pay Donald Rumsfeld a million dollars for If I Invaded It.
2. Garth Risk Hallberg caught the new A Midsummer Night’s Dream at New York City’s great Shakespeare in the Park. I am upset that my late August schedule of mini-vacations, Mets games and U. S. Open tennis games leaves me no time to catch this production, which also got a nice review in today’s New York Times. Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays, and at least I can take comfort in the fact that I already saw it at Shakespeare in the Park, many years ago, with William Hurt as Oberon. If you can catch this new (and free) production, though, what are you waiting for?
3. I’m not completely down with the selection of Jamestown, Matthew Sharpe’s comic-apocalypse novel, as the Litblog Co-op’s Summer 2007 pick, though I do admire this hilariously anarchic book. The author’s skill is beyond question, and so is his intelligence (as is revealed in this perceptive post about Don Delillo). The book’s best achievement, in my opinion, is the dizzy voice of the character called Pocahontas.
But the book reads like a string of one-liners to me. Brilliant one-liners, yes, but with no believable characters and a plot too far-fetched to be gripping, I could not enjoy sludging through all these 320 pages. Sharpe reminds me of certain comedians who specialize in twisted koans, like Steven Wright or Demetri Martin. For fifteen or twenty minutes, these performers are a revelation. But would you want to listen to a 15-hour Steven Wright or Demetri Martin show? That’s what 320 pages of Jamestown felt like to me.
Maybe I also think the Litblog Co-op (a group I belong to, by the way, and of which I’m very fond) tends to favor postmodern marvels over readable works of fiction. Michael Martone and Skinny-Dipping in the Lake of the Dead were also impressive experiments, but I bemoan the lack of realistic characters and engaging plots.
4. Speaking of postmodern marvels who I admire but don’t personally read, here’s Ed Champion on John Barth. I don’t have to agree with Ed to appreciate his enthusiasm for this writer.
5. With this post, Mark Sarvas singlehandedly persuades me to try The Indian Clerk by David Leavitt. I haven’t been in the habit of reading David Leavitt, but any novel with a cast of characters like this is worth a look.
6. This article follows Jonathan Franzen in dividing readers into two categories: “modeled-habit” readers learned to read from their parents, whereas “social-isolate” readers did not. As much as I love to think of myself as a “social-isolate” in every sense, I have to admit I fall into the first category, because my parents did enthusiastically teach me to love books. I guess it worked.
7. Some recent tributes to Grace Paley have made me realize I barely know her work, outside of an anthologized short story or two. I’m going to remedy that situation now.
2 Responses
Jempson on GoogleThanks
Jempson on Google
Thanks Levi,
A good portion of the Jamestown book is readable at Google books.
This link should take you there!
From what I read, yeah, my opinion is along your lines.
I guess its schtick.
“Schtick” is actually farther
“Schtick” is actually farther than I’d go … there is real originality here.
At half the length, this might have been one of my favorite books of the year.