Eli Stein’s Cartoon Caption Contest

Some of you have met Eli Stein before; he’s written Litkicks articles about P. G. Wodehouse and Al Jaffee, and he’s my father. He’s also a cartoonist with a body of published work dating back to the 1950s. If you’ve read a lot of the Wall Street Journal or Chronicle of Higher Education or Good Housekeeping or National Enquirer, you’ve probably seen his work, and might recognize his clean, round graphic style, which to my admiring filial eye always resembled the classic drawing style of Syd Hoff or Charles Schulz.

A few years ago I built my dad a blog, which he maintains and regularly updates himself (he does a great job with it, and I wish most of my other website clients were as productive and technically drama-free as he has been). One of the regular features on the Eli Stein Cartoons blog is a cartoon caption contest, originally inspired by the New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest. The latest entry has just gone up, and since it has a bookish theme I thought I’d share it here and invite my Litkicks friends and readers to submit entries. Please give it a try! You don’t win anything except a congratulations and a good time. Enjoy … Eli Stein Cartoon Caption Contest #62.

UPDATE: The winner (it wasn’t me) was announced here.

4 Responses

  1. No, not at all, on you it
    No, not at all, on you it looks good, I just never knew “Preparation-H” was a hair mousse product!

  2. Now he tells me! (Thought I
    Now he tells me! (Thought I did enter it?) Must have had my head up my Preparation-H! Thanks.

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Litkicks turned 30 years old in the summer of 2024! We can’t believe it ourselves. We don’t run as many blog posts about books and writers as we used to, but founder Marc Eliot Stein aka Levi Asher is busy running two podcasts. Please check out our latest work!