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Board Archive  •  Stories  •  September 2002

This board is where LitKicks members can post stories of any kind. Fiction, satire, autobiography, meta-fiction and any other kind of prose is welcomed.

When posting, feel free to specify if you either want to be critiqued (PC=Please Critique) or not (NC=No Critique). Or you could just post it with no specification and see what happens ...

Would it be too much to ask by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 11:36 AM
yes... but just for you by anniefay Sep 30, 2002 2:57 PM
thank you so much by Billectric Oct 1, 2002 6:04 AM
The Head Gardener (PC) by shyster Sep 30, 2002 7:44 AM
Quite good, quite good by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 8:55 AM
shyster by Alienamigo Oct 3, 2002 10:54 AM
Thanks billectric+alienamigo by shyster Oct 3, 2002 12:51 PM
yes by Alienamigo Oct 3, 2002 4:42 PM
Note - if i don't reply by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 6:55 AM
Mexico Two Fifths of Tequila and a Basement Bar by talkingbookworld Sep 29, 2002 4:54 PM
wow.... by shishi Sep 29, 2002 5:28 PM
You by talkingbookworld Sep 30, 2002 4:49 PM
STORY CHALLENGE 9/29/02 - Forever Is Quite A While by Billectric Sep 29, 2002 2:32 PM
Forever is Quite a While (or, Satan Takes a Holiday) by jamelah Sep 29, 2002 6:33 PM
Hey! by Alienamigo Sep 30, 2002 2:34 AM
I'm laughing out loud by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 6:03 AM
how very well by anniefay Sep 30, 2002 12:22 PM
Damnit by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 6:00 AM
cool as you like! by shyster Oct 2, 2002 8:19 AM
eternity by midnight Oct 4, 2002 8:41 AM
fun by ironhands Oct 4, 2002 11:52 AM
Forever Is Quite A While by anniefay Sep 29, 2002 7:44 PM
wheee by Alienamigo Sep 30, 2002 2:24 AM
i thought for a minute by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 6:09 AM
Anniefay -- what can I say by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 5:57 AM
funny! by shyster Oct 2, 2002 8:26 AM
Attila! by midnight Oct 4, 2002 8:46 AM
Forever is Quite a While by conked Sep 30, 2002 12:38 AM
it's almost scary by Alienamigo Sep 30, 2002 2:40 AM
i love it by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 6:17 AM
freaky! by anniefay Sep 30, 2002 12:23 PM
Loved it, loved it, loved it by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 5:53 AM
burroughs by shyster Oct 2, 2002 8:32 AM
thunk by midnight Oct 4, 2002 8:56 AM
Forever is Quite a While by Alienamigo Sep 30, 2002 1:57 AM
whoa - dark bird of unspoken truths by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 6:35 AM
Wow! by anniefay Sep 30, 2002 12:31 PM
Carlie by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 5:48 AM
o k . by shyster Oct 2, 2002 8:48 AM
Whoooeee by midnight Oct 4, 2002 9:11 AM
Forever Is Quite A While by Feign Sep 30, 2002 6:18 AM
like a glove by Billectric Sep 30, 2002 6:53 AM
this is very well done... by anniefay Sep 30, 2002 12:33 PM
hey that was cool by Alienamigo Oct 1, 2002 11:02 PM
The was brilliant by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 5:45 AM
Top by shyster Oct 2, 2002 10:50 AM
ring-a-ding by midnight Oct 4, 2002 9:23 AM
forever is quite a while by learned Oct 1, 2002 5:57 AM
sheer lunacy - Quack by Billectric Oct 1, 2002 6:11 AM
ricky, my boy! by anniefay Oct 1, 2002 1:15 PM
I think you have finally quacked up by Alienamigo Oct 1, 2002 11:12 PM
i think by learned Oct 2, 2002 3:22 AM
but, but, by Alienamigo Oct 2, 2002 11:07 AM
Richard by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 5:43 AM
twisted by shyster Oct 2, 2002 10:56 AM
dear boy by midnight Oct 4, 2002 9:28 AM
Forever Is Quiet A While by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 5:00 AM
BP by shyster Oct 2, 2002 11:07 AM
BP by Alienamigo Oct 2, 2002 11:23 AM
BP by anniefay Oct 4, 2002 6:44 AM
clown meat! by midnight Oct 4, 2002 9:43 AM
Forever Is Quite A While by shyster Oct 2, 2002 7:36 AM
What the hell by BuddhistPunk Oct 2, 2002 8:27 AM
It's like by Alienamigo Oct 2, 2002 11:29 AM
You're by shyster Oct 2, 2002 12:30 PM
E.P.D.S. by anniefay Oct 4, 2002 8:20 AM
cackling bubbles batman by midnight Oct 4, 2002 9:55 AM
Forever is Quite A While by midnight Oct 4, 2002 8:31 AM
smoother by shyster Oct 4, 2002 8:56 AM
shucks by midnight Oct 4, 2002 11:49 AM
am i mistaken by anniefay Oct 4, 2002 9:54 AM
or... by midnight Oct 4, 2002 9:58 AM
It was like by Alienamigo Oct 4, 2002 11:15 AM
this is by midnight Oct 4, 2002 11:48 AM
When In Rome by Feign Sep 29, 2002 8:33 AM
La Vista Hotheads Tour Diary Chapter IV by asswype Sep 28, 2002 2:15 PM
slumber in the morning by mudshark Sep 28, 2002 3:18 AM
please dont critizie, i cant take it by mudshark Sep 30, 2002 1:26 PM
well by Billectric Oct 1, 2002 12:45 PM
suitable amphetamin by mudshark Oct 4, 2002 2:55 PM
dirty toothbrush by shishi Sep 27, 2002 9:40 PM
yikes by Emelia Sep 27, 2002 3:39 PM
...interesting by asswype Sep 28, 2002 2:21 PM
The holy sinners by onthebus2002 Sep 27, 2002 3:04 PM
Haze by IRIS Sep 27, 2002 3:21 PM
chasing jack keroauc by slog Sep 27, 2002 12:07 PM
Enjoy the tale, but Ativan is wrong for the part and here's why by Juliana Harris Oct 6, 2002 10:36 PM
no by slog Oct 11, 2002 7:41 AM
But narcs by Juliana Harris Oct 14, 2002 7:40 PM
chasing Kerouac by meanhippie Oct 16, 2002 5:40 PM
kerouawacko by slog Oct 19, 2002 10:15 AM
Hoverboy by shyster Sep 27, 2002 2:43 AM
Great story, shyster ! by Billectric Sep 27, 2002 10:18 AM
short story. by edith Sep 26, 2002 3:02 PM
loved it! by piphed Sep 26, 2002 3:11 PM
foul play? by surfermike Sep 26, 2002 3:14 PM
The Magic of Sandy by shyster Sep 26, 2002 10:08 AM
Love it... by Bianca Sep 26, 2002 5:51 PM
very by shyster Sep 27, 2002 7:03 AM
Cripes by Christian Silver Oct 4, 2002 2:46 AM
A Report: The Chip Chadley Show (PC) by Rhinehart Sep 26, 2002 3:08 AM
euphoria by learned Sep 26, 2002 2:56 AM
Crap by varp Sep 26, 2002 4:48 AM
what the banana is by learned Sep 26, 2002 6:24 AM
Grouse? by varp Sep 26, 2002 6:47 AM
this may be by midnight Sep 26, 2002 1:24 PM
Dr.Strontium by asswype Sep 25, 2002 7:54 PM
maybe, Dr. Strontium can put them to good use here by jota Sep 25, 2002 7:58 PM
I almost by shyster Sep 26, 2002 2:55 AM
did he by Billectric Sep 26, 2002 7:05 AM
From A Clockwork Orange... by asswype Sep 27, 2002 10:32 PM
A Catholic Grandmother Perhaps? by Bianca Sep 25, 2002 2:57 PM
wow! by shyster Sep 25, 2002 3:07 PM
Thanks! by Bianca Sep 25, 2002 3:18 PM
gotta love them by blank Sep 25, 2002 10:39 AM
thats by shyster Sep 25, 2002 3:29 PM
a memory of no memory by crunchellie Sep 25, 2002 2:37 AM
that...wait i hope u aren't ugly by learned Sep 25, 2002 6:48 AM
first "story" here, nice so i don't regret it. by jadestrick Sep 24, 2002 12:58 PM
has to by learned Sep 24, 2002 1:28 PM
you're by jadestrick Sep 24, 2002 10:25 PM
FuckIthinkmy...throat'stighteningdammit! by Juliana Harris Sep 24, 2002 9:06 PM
thank you... by jadestrick Sep 24, 2002 10:27 PM
It does... by Juliana Harris Sep 24, 2002 10:52 PM
real by shyster Sep 25, 2002 3:00 AM
interesting... by asswype Sep 25, 2002 7:58 PM
An extremely short story by Kubla Kahn Sep 24, 2002 11:36 AM
hey Koobie by bluemonk Sep 24, 2002 12:41 PM
i really liked the image by neoreality Sep 24, 2002 1:09 PM
thanks... by Kubla Kahn Sep 25, 2002 8:56 AM
screw it by learned Sep 24, 2002 9:56 AM
the bridge [beginning] by in_extremis Sep 24, 2002 8:59 AM
this is a very clever story... by newSkinjoy98 Sep 24, 2002 9:26 AM
thanks by in_extremis Sep 24, 2002 9:38 AM
I liked the by midnight Sep 24, 2002 9:52 AM
ambiguity is everything by in_extremis Sep 24, 2002 9:59 AM
Got that by midnight Sep 24, 2002 10:03 AM
excellent by in_extremis Sep 24, 2002 10:06 AM
Yup by Juliana Harris Sep 24, 2002 9:59 PM
interesting! by asswype Sep 28, 2002 8:11 AM
STORY CHALLENGE 9/23/02... The Fall of Wondrous Mystic by anniefay Sep 23, 2002 6:00 PM
The Fall of Wondrous Mystic by lemonadereligion Sep 24, 2002 2:06 AM
Hey Carlie .. by BuddhistPunk Sep 24, 2002 9:21 AM
carlie.... by jamelah Sep 24, 2002 12:33 PM
crazy by shyster Sep 25, 2002 6:22 AM
Meow! by midnight Sep 26, 2002 10:43 AM
Who could of thought of this concept by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:22 AM
Explanation by lemonadereligion Sep 28, 2002 2:02 AM
Wow Carlie by BuddhistPunk Sep 28, 2002 2:09 AM
ah shucks by lemonadereligion Sep 28, 2002 5:51 AM
The Fall Of Wondrous Mystic ....... (not sure about this one) by BuddhistPunk Sep 24, 2002 8:48 AM
how could any story by jamelah Sep 24, 2002 12:40 PM
I'm soooooo confused by lemonadereligion Sep 25, 2002 2:47 AM
I have 2 things to say to you by bobby.f.m Sep 25, 2002 4:29 AM
Not bears ?? by BuddhistPunk Sep 25, 2002 4:34 AM
technically speaking by midnight Sep 27, 2002 5:45 AM
christ BP by shyster Sep 25, 2002 6:30 AM
Falling by midnight Sep 26, 2002 10:55 AM
You are my hero! by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:23 AM
cheers by wuwei Sep 30, 2002 5:27 AM
The Fall of Wondrous Mystic by jamelah Sep 24, 2002 9:59 AM
Hey.... by lemonadereligion Sep 25, 2002 3:02 AM
sporks by jamelah Sep 25, 2002 7:08 AM
Ahh Jamelah by BuddhistPunk Sep 25, 2002 4:39 AM
do i know satan personally? by jamelah Sep 25, 2002 7:09 AM
loved this by shyster Sep 25, 2002 6:40 AM
on fire like the flames of hell... by jamelah Sep 25, 2002 7:10 AM
Damned by midnight Sep 26, 2002 11:10 AM
Well, I had a head start on this one... by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:25 AM
mystic in the sky with marshmallows by bobby.f.m Sep 25, 2002 3:50 AM
Okay by BuddhistPunk Sep 25, 2002 4:37 AM
But by bobby.f.m Sep 25, 2002 5:13 AM
nice by shyster Sep 25, 2002 6:42 AM
that was by jamelah Sep 25, 2002 7:12 AM
You by lemonadereligion Sep 26, 2002 1:55 AM
shine on by midnight Sep 26, 2002 11:17 AM
this is well told by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:31 AM
Fanks by bobby.f.m Sep 27, 2002 4:09 AM
watch for them on Mondays by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 7:20 AM
yeah.. by varp Sep 28, 2002 4:56 PM
So by bobby.f.m Sep 28, 2002 9:00 PM
the fall of wondrous mystic by learned Sep 25, 2002 5:23 AM
Ehh Richard by BuddhistPunk Sep 25, 2002 5:54 AM
the caffine wore off towards the end by learned Sep 25, 2002 5:57 AM
well, richard by jamelah Sep 25, 2002 7:17 AM
wow praise by learned Sep 25, 2002 7:18 AM
shyster by learned Sep 25, 2002 7:20 AM
thrash that ego by shyster Sep 25, 2002 7:37 AM
i appreciate everything by learned Sep 25, 2002 7:45 AM
just means by shyster Sep 25, 2002 7:51 AM
well my penis is by learned Sep 25, 2002 7:54 AM
Hesitant I began to read by lemonadereligion Sep 26, 2002 2:03 AM
Ricky, my boy! by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:39 AM
hundreds by midnight Sep 27, 2002 4:46 AM
The Fall Of Wondrous Mystic by shyster Sep 25, 2002 6:18 AM
Great read by BuddhistPunk Sep 25, 2002 6:54 AM
Yeah by bobby.f.m Sep 25, 2002 6:57 AM
shyster by jamelah Sep 25, 2002 7:25 AM
i liked by learned Sep 25, 2002 7:50 AM
Beautifully wrote by lemonadereligion Sep 26, 2002 11:39 PM
ohhh.. by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:51 AM
smooth by midnight Sep 27, 2002 5:02 AM
The Fall of Wondrous Mystic by Feign Sep 25, 2002 9:54 PM
that was by shyster Sep 26, 2002 2:36 AM
that made by Feign Sep 26, 2002 5:12 AM
and someday by Feign Sep 26, 2002 5:19 AM
that made by Feign Sep 26, 2002 5:13 AM
it by lemonadereligion Sep 26, 2002 11:43 PM
i so totally identify with your character by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:57 AM
talk about tight by midnight Sep 27, 2002 5:25 AM
Very nice by BuddhistPunk Sep 27, 2002 7:04 AM
hey, feign by jamelah Sep 27, 2002 7:35 AM
The Call of Wondrous Mystic by midnight Sep 26, 2002 10:25 AM
Oh by bobby.f.m Sep 26, 2002 7:48 PM
thanks possum by midnight Sep 26, 2002 8:27 PM
Nah by bobby.f.m Sep 27, 2002 3:58 AM
I guess by lemonadereligion Sep 26, 2002 11:49 PM
you give by midnight Sep 27, 2002 2:42 AM
that was by shyster Sep 27, 2002 1:21 AM
many thanks by midnight Sep 27, 2002 2:49 AM
well told by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 4:01 AM
Midnight by BuddhistPunk Sep 27, 2002 7:07 AM
The Fall of Wondrous Mystic by anniefay Sep 27, 2002 3:07 AM
woah by shyster Sep 27, 2002 3:22 AM
oh by midnight Sep 27, 2002 5:40 AM
dude by jamelah Sep 27, 2002 7:32 AM
Anne you did it again by BuddhistPunk Sep 27, 2002 8:02 AM
Now That One by lemonadereligion Sep 28, 2002 1:22 AM
God Save The Story Challenge! by shyster Sep 23, 2002 3:58 PM
ignore you? by anniefay Sep 23, 2002 5:45 PM
Swimming the Moon. by onthebus2002 Sep 23, 2002 11:36 AM
Very cool imagery by elemental123 Sep 23, 2002 6:17 PM
another beats the system by justalil Sep 23, 2002 8:40 AM
How To Drain A Waterbed by anniefay Sep 23, 2002 6:35 AM
Mental note to self: by lemonadereligion Sep 23, 2002 12:01 PM
dichotomous numbers and a question for Buddhabitch by Billectric Sep 22, 2002 10:19 AM
damn Bill! by buddhabitch Sep 23, 2002 6:31 AM
don't worry by Billectric Sep 23, 2002 7:53 AM
and thanks for your reply by Billectric Sep 23, 2002 8:03 AM
yes, by buddhabitch Sep 23, 2002 9:18 AM
In Memoriam - The Modern Day Tale of a Missing Person by shyster Sep 22, 2002 7:45 AM
Amen by midnight Sep 22, 2002 8:08 AM
Milly had so much to live for by dot Sep 22, 2002 11:01 AM
What?? by Juliana Harris Sep 22, 2002 1:10 PM
this has by dot Sep 22, 2002 1:34 PM
Good Story by surfermike Sep 23, 2002 9:28 AM
first scene of an untitled one act play (pc) by elemental123 Sep 22, 2002 1:44 AM
first impressions... by midnight Sep 22, 2002 7:53 AM
Thanks for the feedback by elemental123 Sep 22, 2002 12:13 PM
Yes I liked the girl by midnight Sep 22, 2002 12:40 PM
it reminded me of by the bastard child Sep 23, 2002 10:28 PM
quite so, b.c. by midnight Sep 24, 2002 12:04 AM
Just wait by elemental123 Sep 24, 2002 8:36 PM
heh by midnight Sep 24, 2002 10:57 PM
Cool by elemental123 Sep 24, 2002 8:37 PM
Stilltrucking by wantabeurdog Sep 21, 2002 9:12 AM
"Had to cry today" by stilltrucking Sep 21, 2002 10:05 PM
spider love by stilltrucking Sep 22, 2002 2:08 PM
A pity by midnight Sep 22, 2002 2:16 PM
Laughing by wantabeurdog Sep 22, 2002 4:38 PM
mystical rainbow. by lemonadereligion Sep 21, 2002 2:03 AM
I liked the 'colourful' language by Bennie Sep 21, 2002 4:26 AM
B-Man by lemonadereligion Sep 21, 2002 10:56 AM
Good story, Carlie by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:02 AM
Thank you by lemonadereligion Sep 22, 2002 12:35 PM
Bancroft Street Morning by neoreality Sep 20, 2002 10:50 AM
Very nice by Juliana Harris Sep 20, 2002 11:56 AM
Thanks! by neoreality Sep 20, 2002 1:37 PM
Two Thumbs Up! by zygotenmycoffee Sep 20, 2002 12:20 PM
Not too familiar... by neoreality Sep 20, 2002 1:38 PM
yep by shyster Sep 22, 2002 6:16 AM
At the Base of the Rock - More Notes from Indianoplace by Juliana Harris Sep 20, 2002 9:31 AM
talbot street acid fest by pelerine Jun 1, 2003 4:15 PM
poopsie! by shyster Sep 20, 2002 3:09 AM
Messages by Juliana Harris Sep 19, 2002 11:19 PM
These brief by BuddhistPunk Sep 20, 2002 7:44 AM
Notes from Indianoplace by Juliana Harris Sep 19, 2002 10:56 PM
Wow by BuddhistPunk Sep 20, 2002 7:39 AM
Thanks for the input by Juliana Harris Sep 20, 2002 9:57 PM
POST ELECTION CHAD FRENZY by zygotenmycoffee Sep 19, 2002 11:06 AM
i love it by firecracker Sep 19, 2002 7:03 PM
Laughing too by midnight Sep 19, 2002 11:27 PM
DIMPLED CHAD by zygotenmycoffee Sep 20, 2002 7:35 AM
Cheers Zy by midnight Sep 20, 2002 8:28 AM
THank you... by zygotenmycoffee Sep 20, 2002 7:37 AM
When The Angles Stopped Singing by BuddhistPunk Sep 19, 2002 3:44 AM
i broke down by stilltrucking Sep 19, 2002 4:08 AM
Dude by shyster Sep 19, 2002 8:06 AM
it's the little offhand statements by jamelah Sep 19, 2002 8:17 AM
BuddhistPunk´s the name by Mob Sep 19, 2002 8:21 AM
Smack! by lemonadereligion Sep 19, 2002 11:55 AM
Hee-larious! by Billectric Sep 19, 2002 4:52 PM
JismBoy!! by midnight Sep 20, 2002 9:33 AM
When The Angels Stop Singing )my version{ by Billectric Sep 20, 2002 10:24 AM
odd by lemonadereligion Sep 21, 2002 2:15 AM
Thanks Bill... by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:09 AM
heh by jamelah Sep 22, 2002 5:53 AM
nice by shyster Sep 22, 2002 6:13 AM
Full by midnight Sep 22, 2002 6:21 AM
BP... by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:04 AM
A Short Treatise on Art (PC) by slurpy Sep 19, 2002 1:11 AM
The seed of a story - Should I continue? (PC) by Sir_Benfro Sep 18, 2002 2:49 AM
It's by shyster Sep 18, 2002 4:22 AM
P.C. by anniefay Sep 18, 2002 1:36 PM
perfect by Emelia Sep 18, 2002 3:34 PM
Thank you all 3 of you by Sir_Benfro Sep 19, 2002 3:20 AM
summerless saturday in june by jamelah Sep 17, 2002 5:16 PM
parts one and two by jamelah Sep 17, 2002 5:20 PM
Random by blank Sep 17, 2002 7:21 AM
+++ by Emelia Sep 17, 2002 3:26 PM
GOOD STUFF! by zygotenmycoffee Sep 19, 2002 11:32 AM
great stuff by buddhabitch Sep 19, 2002 7:39 PM
shucks by blank Sep 20, 2002 4:50 AM
having fun - wish you were here... by feral Sep 17, 2002 7:00 AM
and so the truth comes out by jamelah Sep 17, 2002 7:05 AM
truth versus fiction... by feral Sep 17, 2002 7:12 AM
well, jason h. christ, by jamelah Sep 17, 2002 7:18 AM
'hey, i can see my house from up here...' by feral Sep 17, 2002 7:22 AM
righty-o by jamelah Sep 17, 2002 7:23 AM
criminally deranged by Emelia Sep 17, 2002 4:02 PM
Urgent Letter to Dr. Fister by Billectric Sep 17, 2002 5:27 PM
bah, humbug... by feral Sep 18, 2002 4:35 AM
The Tinned Apple Dillema by Happas Sep 16, 2002 11:51 PM
stupid apples by Billectric Sep 17, 2002 5:40 AM
yeah sort of, by Happas Sep 17, 2002 9:25 PM
I will not have apples! by Emelia Sep 17, 2002 3:35 PM
when did mmy dream become reality? (please critique) by weezer Sep 16, 2002 5:16 PM
distress by Emelia Sep 17, 2002 3:58 PM
SHADOW DRIFTER (PC) by Links Sep 16, 2002 12:34 PM
this is continued from below, and including the gorbals story...i fuckinglove it by learned Sep 16, 2002 11:30 AM
i can relate by go_rimbaud Sep 16, 2002 1:19 PM
Thanks Learned by Dave The Dov Sep 16, 2002 2:58 PM
Richard by BuddhistPunk Sep 17, 2002 1:28 AM
now a days god is pussy whipped by stilltrucking Sep 19, 2002 1:53 AM
Hebrew God by stilltrucking Sep 20, 2002 7:24 PM
viva la story challenge by jamelah Sep 16, 2002 6:41 AM
An honour by shyster Sep 16, 2002 8:30 AM
When The Angels Stopped Singing by lemonadereligion Sep 17, 2002 2:02 AM
A terrifying by shyster Sep 17, 2002 2:17 AM
Thanks, and by lemonadereligion Sep 17, 2002 2:46 AM
Hey by BuddhistPunk Sep 19, 2002 4:28 AM
carlie... by jamelah Sep 19, 2002 8:21 AM
Carlie... by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:18 AM
When the Angels Stopped Singing by jamelah Sep 19, 2002 7:29 AM
Jamelah by BuddhistPunk Sep 19, 2002 7:47 AM
That was by shyster Sep 19, 2002 8:04 AM
Cool, by lemonadereligion Sep 19, 2002 11:45 AM
You... by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:20 AM
Good times by midnight Sep 22, 2002 10:17 AM
When the Angels Stopped Singing by firecracker Sep 19, 2002 6:53 PM
firecracker by jamelah Sep 19, 2002 7:20 PM
i think by firecracker Sep 19, 2002 7:27 PM
sidenote to tito, the talking chair fans by firecracker Sep 19, 2002 7:26 PM
is it wrong by shyster Sep 20, 2002 3:15 AM
FC by BuddhistPunk Sep 20, 2002 4:23 AM
FC by lemonadereligion Sep 21, 2002 2:22 AM
When the Angels Stopped Singing by midnight Sep 20, 2002 8:45 AM
Oh dammit by midnight Sep 20, 2002 8:52 AM
It's okay midnight by BuddhistPunk Sep 20, 2002 9:09 AM
Good job... by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:27 AM
dude by shyster Sep 20, 2002 9:12 AM
Thanks BP, shyster by midnight Sep 20, 2002 9:22 AM
hey, i liked this by jamelah Sep 22, 2002 6:26 AM
Thanks Jam & Annie by midnight Sep 22, 2002 9:42 AM
FC, You have outdone yourself. by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:20 AM
When The Angels Stopped Singing by shyster Sep 20, 2002 3:10 AM
Shyster by BuddhistPunk Sep 20, 2002 4:21 AM
Ceci by midnight Sep 20, 2002 10:10 AM
What? by lemonadereligion Sep 21, 2002 2:32 AM
Great job! by anniefay Sep 22, 2002 2:36 AM
"kazoo-tap, i mean really..." by jamelah Sep 22, 2002 6:39 AM
When The Angels Stopped Singing (loosely based on fact) by anniefay Sep 21, 2002 6:38 PM
just the facts, in case inquiring minds want to know! by anniefay Sep 21, 2002 6:53 PM
F'n A anniefay by midnight Sep 22, 2002 4:46 AM
annie by shyster Sep 22, 2002 6:47 AM
i loved by jamelah Sep 22, 2002 8:02 AM
Can you by lemonadereligion Sep 22, 2002 12:29 PM
Anniefay by BuddhistPunk Sep 24, 2002 9:19 AM
a game by any other name by lemonadereligion Sep 16, 2002 1:22 AM
yep by shyster Sep 16, 2002 2:57 AM
La Vista Hotheads Tour Diary Chapter III by asswype Sep 15, 2002 12:51 PM
Eh. by shyster Sep 16, 2002 9:45 AM
look under "utterances" by asswype Sep 17, 2002 5:20 PM
this promises by Billectric Sep 16, 2002 1:26 PM
thanx by asswype Sep 28, 2002 2:19 PM
walking round the gorbals at 2 am by learned Sep 15, 2002 7:11 AM
I'm sitting comfortably by midnight Sep 15, 2002 7:19 AM
what happened next.. by learned Sep 15, 2002 7:26 AM
and now i watch by learned Sep 15, 2002 7:31 AM
great story by midnight Sep 15, 2002 7:35 AM
you're right by learned Sep 15, 2002 12:23 PM
pah by onthebus2002 Sep 15, 2002 5:54 AM
on a wing and a prayer... by feral Sep 14, 2002 6:25 AM
i see he didn't fuk up by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 6:50 AM
time is fleeting... by feral Sep 14, 2002 6:55 AM
well, well, well by jamelah Sep 14, 2002 7:27 AM
"and his eyes were swimming around in his head..." by stilltrucking Sep 14, 2002 12:58 PM
GREMLIN on the WING by Billectric Sep 15, 2002 10:54 AM
shoeb o x e s (PC!)please. by shyster Sep 14, 2002 3:02 AM
geeeeessshhhh! by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:09 AM
comment by mudshark Sep 14, 2002 4:53 AM
yeah, i liked that sentence, too by Billectric Sep 15, 2002 12:41 PM
satisfyingly creepy by Billectric Sep 15, 2002 12:37 PM
thanx everyone by shyster Sep 16, 2002 2:54 AM
birth of a cynic Please critique! by Sabertash Sep 13, 2002 9:19 PM
ST by shyster Sep 14, 2002 2:41 AM
"who are these people" by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:00 AM
all right, everyone, my first story post.. by justalil Sep 13, 2002 12:58 PM
P.S. by justalil Sep 13, 2002 12:59 PM
Perfect! by onthebus2002 Sep 13, 2002 11:32 PM
i walked with you by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 3:55 AM
well by justalil Sep 16, 2002 6:24 AM
only thing worries me by stilltrucking Sep 18, 2002 12:05 PM
When The Lights Went Out.... (story challenge 9/9/02) by anniefay Sep 13, 2002 4:41 AM
Bloody hell Anne by BuddhistPunk Sep 13, 2002 5:05 AM
christ, that was creepy by jamelah Sep 13, 2002 5:38 AM
and thanks by anniefay Sep 13, 2002 5:57 AM
marvellous by shyster Sep 13, 2002 7:59 AM by Billectric Sep 13, 2002 8:03 AM
still by firecracker Sep 13, 2002 10:54 AM
Sometimes by Alienamigo Sep 13, 2002 1:30 PM
thank you.... by anniefay Sep 13, 2002 2:02 PM
Grief by shyster Sep 13, 2002 3:22 AM
i looked at this by asswype Sep 15, 2002 5:36 AM
moved to mindless board by stilltrucking Sep 12, 2002 5:09 PM
moved to mindless chatter by stilltrucking Sep 12, 2002 5:35 PM
sisters by Emelia Sep 12, 2002 11:44 AM
When The Lights Went Out by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 6:28 AM
BP by jamelah Sep 12, 2002 6:44 AM
without a doubt... this is too, too funny by anniefay Sep 12, 2002 8:40 AM
cool story by shyster Sep 12, 2002 9:23 AM
You never seem to stop do you? by lemonadereligion Sep 12, 2002 12:59 PM
ass taxi ? by Billectric Sep 13, 2002 1:35 PM
In Loving Memory Of... by Emelia Sep 11, 2002 3:52 PM
reminds by piphed Sep 11, 2002 4:25 PM
lovely by scootertrash Sep 11, 2002 5:49 PM
I liked that... by Bianca Sep 12, 2002 3:08 AM
My Sweet Ambrosia by Bianca Sep 11, 2002 12:10 PM
I like it by Billectric Sep 11, 2002 5:43 PM
mental by shyster Sep 12, 2002 6:44 AM
Alas - I failed by Bianca Sep 12, 2002 8:21 AM
bummerino by shyster Sep 12, 2002 8:36 AM
Ah! by Bianca Sep 12, 2002 8:38 AM
The Hawk and the Dove(modern political fable) by shyster Sep 11, 2002 11:56 AM
They recognized each other by Billectric Sep 12, 2002 6:09 AM
totally by shyster Sep 12, 2002 6:41 AM
Myrtle's mind by Hester Prynne Sep 11, 2002 2:37 AM
and you've by jellybean Oct 27, 2002 6:55 PM
Being Ernie (please critique) by ModernAncient Sep 10, 2002 6:04 PM
that by shyster Sep 11, 2002 2:01 AM
The Inspiration Line(pc) by shyster Sep 10, 2002 3:40 PM
pc by slog Sep 10, 2002 4:16 PM
The by shyster Sep 11, 2002 1:42 AM
Excellent by Bianca Sep 12, 2002 3:14 AM
the truth now appearing in by slog Sep 9, 2002 9:47 PM
brilliant by shyster Sep 10, 2002 6:49 AM
thanks by slog Sep 10, 2002 7:08 AM
When the Lights Went Out. by Bennie Sep 9, 2002 1:41 PM
the lights went out by slog Sep 9, 2002 4:11 PM
Flawless by shyster Sep 10, 2002 12:45 AM
Yeah, baby, yeah by Billectric Sep 10, 2002 6:13 AM
oh, bennie by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 9:32 AM
No I just wanted by Bennie Sep 10, 2002 10:10 AM
heh. ok. by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 10:41 AM
Not quiet by BuddhistPunk Sep 13, 2002 5:51 AM
bennie by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:13 AM
:) by Emelia Sep 20, 2002 11:12 AM
When The Lights Went Out (Story Challenge) by Billectric Sep 9, 2002 1:39 PM
Part 2 by Billectric Sep 9, 2002 4:05 PM
Conclusion by Billectric Sep 9, 2002 5:52 PM
Nice by shyster Sep 10, 2002 12:41 AM
Why, thanky by Billectric Sep 10, 2002 6:10 AM
Edited Part 2 & Conclusion by Billectric Sep 10, 2002 6:08 AM
hehe, bill by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 9:31 AM
Ahh by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 8:05 AM
Excellent ending! by lemonadereligion Sep 12, 2002 12:51 PM
Come to think of it by Billectric Sep 15, 2002 12:14 PM
i loved your story by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:15 AM
there once by Aki Sep 9, 2002 11:52 AM
the supremely challenged story (new variations added) by newSkinjoy98 Sep 9, 2002 9:12 AM
man by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 11:25 AM
newskinjoy by lemonadereligion Sep 9, 2002 11:51 AM
andrew by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:26 AM
that by shyster Sep 9, 2002 11:27 AM
When the Lights Went Out by lemonadereligion Sep 9, 2002 11:43 AM
hehe by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 11:52 AM
that was by shyster Sep 10, 2002 1:38 AM
Oh you old by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 7:35 AM
you did quite a job by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:30 AM
When The Lights Went Out by shyster Sep 9, 2002 4:22 PM
shyster by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 9:51 AM
Hmmm by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 7:33 AM
I by lemonadereligion Sep 12, 2002 12:41 PM
Shyster... by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:35 AM
When the Lights Went Out... by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:19 PM
Leave by shyster Sep 10, 2002 12:35 AM
I don't suppose by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 7:46 AM
hey by lemonadereligion Sep 12, 2002 12:32 PM
just leave us hanging there... by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:36 AM
When the Lights Went Out ( finished, also partially true) by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:52 PM
dude by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 9:52 AM
miss cleo by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 7:52 PM
digging by shyster Sep 11, 2002 2:13 PM
FC by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 7:59 AM
That good ol' crazy Cleo by lemonadereligion Sep 12, 2002 12:24 PM
i don't think i shall ever tire by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:38 AM
When the Lights Went Out.... (partially true) by piphed Sep 9, 2002 8:21 PM
cool story by shyster Sep 10, 2002 2:11 AM
more than just one by piphed Sep 10, 2002 3:05 PM
piph by jamelah Sep 10, 2002 9:53 AM
come on you guys! by piphed Sep 10, 2002 3:04 PM
Piph by BuddhistPunk Sep 12, 2002 8:03 AM
Piph... by anniefay Sep 14, 2002 4:40 AM
Yarra ( a non-beat meander) by bobby.f.m Sep 9, 2002 7:55 AM
an attempt by Aki Sep 8, 2002 11:44 PM
Three Legged Man by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 11:16 AM
love the stories by piphed Sep 8, 2002 6:39 PM
Thanks by Billectric Sep 9, 2002 6:11 AM
sweet by shyster Sep 9, 2002 11:22 AM
THE NORWEIGIAN AIRFORCE by mudshark Sep 8, 2002 5:57 AM
Fly boy... by buddhabitch Sep 8, 2002 6:35 AM
Sir, I salute you by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 9:40 AM
Above and beyond by scootertrash Sep 9, 2002 10:56 AM
!!!!! by slog Sep 7, 2002 4:53 PM
deceit and incest and games... by GordonWilson Sep 7, 2002 11:10 AM
lindsay and i have settled on that terrible, awful, evil, scandalous male term: by GordonWilson Sep 7, 2002 11:24 AM
dear god! by firecracker Sep 7, 2002 11:31 AM
dear lord! by Minerva Sep 7, 2002 4:00 PM
you are going straight to hell... by buddhabitch Sep 8, 2002 6:41 AM
dish it, man by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 9:32 AM
gordon, you hoe! by jamelah Sep 8, 2002 12:52 PM
completely shocking by piphed Sep 8, 2002 6:38 PM
The LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE BOAT by Jim Furnish Sep 8, 2002 9:12 PM
Of all the people I'm most disappointed in, it's you... by evilkleg Sep 10, 2002 6:32 PM
Sex and the City by JacopoBelbo84 Dec 5, 2003 7:55 AM
La Vista Hotheads Tour Diary Chapter II by asswype Sep 7, 2002 7:18 AM
Tuned In by lemonadereligion Sep 7, 2002 3:15 AM
That was great. by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 11:43 AM
A Small Nothing PC by Rhinehart Sep 6, 2002 3:49 AM
pc-d by slog Sep 6, 2002 7:32 PM
Breakdown Alley revised PC by Sabertash Sep 5, 2002 11:13 PM
Come on now! by Sabertash Sep 7, 2002 9:57 AM
ok by mtmynd Sep 7, 2002 10:12 AM
watering down the good stuff by lost Sep 5, 2002 6:49 PM
The Womb Uprising by shyster Sep 5, 2002 4:08 PM
poppit by jota Sep 5, 2002 8:47 PM
jota by shyster Sep 6, 2002 1:59 AM
That moment in a road-runner cartoon... by Christian Silver Sep 6, 2002 2:21 AM
rancid green is what I am... by Bianca Sep 6, 2002 8:06 AM
this is by izzzy Sep 5, 2002 2:25 PM
Every pig must sleep by Christian Silver Sep 5, 2002 9:20 AM
Truly Christian Silver by losetowin Sep 6, 2002 7:17 AM
Dream Report by Billectric Sep 5, 2002 6:20 AM
Dream Report by shyster Sep 5, 2002 6:54 AM
our important work must continue! by Billectric Sep 5, 2002 9:31 AM
we MUST continue. For our children, and our children's children. by shyster Sep 5, 2002 11:31 AM
shyster & bill by lemonadereligion Sep 5, 2002 8:18 PM
fascinating . . . by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 9:50 AM
Dream log: Sept. 4, 2oo2 AD by jota Sep 5, 2002 8:37 PM
I love this part: by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 9:53 AM
MAGIC LOVE..........(PC) by magic love Sep 4, 2002 6:01 PM
Ordinarily, I wouldn't be chewing human flesh... by Christian Silver Sep 4, 2002 8:40 AM
Got to be said by Bianca Sep 4, 2002 8:55 AM
Christian Silver by shyster Sep 4, 2002 9:40 AM
good story by Billectric Sep 8, 2002 1:06 PM
APATHY IN THE UK by Christian Silver Sep 3, 2002 1:51 AM
Why... by losetowin Sep 3, 2002 6:32 AM
You really know how to make a bloke feel by Mob Sep 10, 2002 1:50 AM
. by b4 Sep 2, 2002 3:36 PM
RE: story telling club by Bennie Sep 2, 2002 1:49 PM
story challenge announcement by firecracker Sep 2, 2002 3:57 PM
Why I Keep On Making God Angry by anniefay Sep 2, 2002 6:33 PM
I can't believe by lemonadereligion Sep 3, 2002 9:36 AM
Both by shyster Sep 3, 2002 10:38 AM
thanks... by anniefay Sep 3, 2002 2:04 PM
annie by Stark Sep 3, 2002 11:09 AM
Anne by BuddhistPunk Sep 4, 2002 4:05 AM
excellent story! by piphed Sep 4, 2002 3:42 PM
annie by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:07 AM
hey by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:30 AM
Why I Keep On Making God Angry by lemonadereligion Sep 3, 2002 8:59 AM
this was by shyster Sep 3, 2002 10:35 AM
nice one! by Stark Sep 3, 2002 10:58 AM
great story, Carlie! by anniefay Sep 3, 2002 1:57 PM
Carlie by BuddhistPunk Sep 4, 2002 4:07 AM
whoa aliena by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:08 AM
wow by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:33 AM
Why I Keep On Making God Angry by shyster Sep 3, 2002 10:32 AM
that's cool lol by Stark Sep 3, 2002 10:50 AM
damn shyster! this is so cool.... by anniefay Sep 3, 2002 2:02 PM
Shyster by BuddhistPunk Sep 4, 2002 4:08 AM
Best story by lemonadereligion Sep 4, 2002 6:21 AM
definitely by shyster Sep 4, 2002 9:32 AM
The Best by Christian Silver Sep 4, 2002 6:35 AM
this is kind of tarrentino-esque by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:20 AM
i never thought by ironhands Sep 9, 2002 12:04 PM
Why not by shyster Sep 10, 2002 6:54 AM
because by ironhands Sep 15, 2002 12:50 AM
shyster by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:37 AM
Why I Keep On Making God Angry by BuddhistPunk Sep 4, 2002 4:02 AM
Sweet by shyster Sep 4, 2002 4:10 AM
BuddhistPunk by lemonadereligion Sep 4, 2002 6:10 AM
oh, man................. by anniefay Sep 4, 2002 6:59 AM
i love nuns by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:21 AM
hahah by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:39 AM
Why I keep making God angry. by Bennie Sep 4, 2002 8:56 AM
I hate by lemonadereligion Sep 4, 2002 9:38 AM
why I keep making god angry (part II) by Bennie Sep 4, 2002 10:43 AM
Bennie by shyster Sep 4, 2002 11:01 AM
You know that God guy by lemonadereligion Sep 4, 2002 11:16 AM
this is by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:26 AM
damn, Bennie.... by anniefay Sep 6, 2002 9:22 AM
bennie, bennie, bennie by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:40 AM
Why I Keep on Making God Angry by firecracker Sep 8, 2002 6:06 PM
shit... by buddhabitch Sep 8, 2002 8:02 PM
Nice one FC by BuddhistPunk Sep 9, 2002 4:42 AM
FC by lemonadereligion Sep 9, 2002 4:47 AM
talking chairs by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:53 AM
firecracker by anniefay Sep 9, 2002 8:35 AM
Hot dog by shyster Sep 9, 2002 11:00 AM
Why I Keep On Making God Angry by jamelah Sep 9, 2002 7:01 AM
you are definitely evil by firecracker Sep 9, 2002 7:07 AM
yes you do... by buddhabitch Sep 9, 2002 7:37 AM
good job, my dear! by anniefay Sep 9, 2002 8:32 AM
So it's by BuddhistPunk Sep 9, 2002 8:36 AM
Oh My....God?? by lemonadereligion Sep 9, 2002 8:45 AM
Cool by shyster Sep 9, 2002 11:04 AM
wow jamelah by piphed Sep 9, 2002 2:51 PM
ATTRITION! by Christian Silver Sep 2, 2002 8:57 AM
my reaction is by stilltrucking Sep 2, 2002 9:19 AM
You sir... by Randall Sep 2, 2002 9:24 AM
good by anniefay Sep 2, 2002 1:16 PM
VERY good... by cerebral not celebrity Sep 3, 2002 6:06 AM
It is brilliant by losetowin Sep 3, 2002 6:34 AM
CHEERS GUYS! by Christian Silver Sep 4, 2002 7:09 AM
sojourn by lemonadereligion Sep 2, 2002 12:50 AM
"The Stream" (PC) by Aladdinsane Sep 1, 2002 11:03 PM
i might add some more to this again, later... (pc the style) by Stark Sep 1, 2002 1:21 PM
flourescent light strained eyes by stilltrucking Sep 2, 2002 3:41 AM
can't manage html by Stark Sep 3, 2002 11:35 AM
next part, maybe one more to come (tell me what you think of his character) by Stark Sep 2, 2002 2:43 PM
yes by wantabeurdog Sep 4, 2002 8:36 AM

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