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Board Archive  •  Indie Writing & Publishing  •  January 2004
Indie Writing & Publishing

This board is for independent-minded writers, publishers (and anybody who wants to become an independent-minded writer or publisher) to talk about the business: how to start a small press or publish a chapbook, how to host a poetry reading, how to submit your work to other journals or zines, etc.

So, this girl I dated years ago by Billectric Jan 28, 2004 12:31 PM
There are a lot of things about that... by zero hero Jan 29, 2004 5:28 PM
making a chapbook, the guide, by you by firsty Jan 26, 2004 12:33 PM
what i know, for what it's worth by jamelah Jan 26, 2004 2:35 PM
my Motel 6 Rate Supplement Guide. by Sharik Mar 21, 2004 9:27 PM
hmmm i think jamelah probably said it all by firecracker Jan 26, 2004 7:29 PM
I bought me one of those long staplers by Billectric Jan 27, 2004 4:16 AM
a better stapler by pathwise Jan 27, 2004 5:51 AM
good info.... by firecracker Jan 27, 2004 8:33 AM
that's where by jamelah Jan 27, 2004 9:32 AM
Yeah by pathwise Jan 27, 2004 9:57 AM
well, damn! by firsty Jan 27, 2004 10:28 AM
great thread by Sharik Jan 28, 2004 2:19 PM
really, really great thread by Sharik Jan 30, 2004 2:11 PM
has the finger done the trick? by judih. Jan 31, 2004 7:24 PM
yes ... eventually by Sharik Feb 9, 2004 11:00 PM
i remember when by judih. Jul 18, 2004 7:28 PM
do i owe you a chapbook? by brooklyn Jan 23, 2004 12:46 PM
er....yes...maybe you do, levi... by Billectric Jan 24, 2004 8:56 PM
hey i gave you one in person! by brooklyn Jan 24, 2004 9:43 PM
I would not toss one of your books. by Billectric Jan 24, 2004 10:08 PM
Yes, you do. by Sharik Feb 12, 2004 6:03 PM
Content of email sent 1/23! no response received. Hello?? by Sharik Feb 17, 2004 9:24 PM
sharik... by firecracker Feb 19, 2004 5:20 PM
Tasty Milk by Sharik Feb 19, 2004 7:36 PM
specifically ... by brooklyn Feb 20, 2004 7:38 AM
Received chapbook today. Thanx! by Sharik Mar 6, 2004 5:37 PM
I have a question by Billectric Jan 20, 2004 6:56 PM
Do i owe anyone a chapbook? by Billectric Jan 23, 2004 3:46 PM
Event -- Poetry Reading/Literary Festival April 25, 2004 by LitKicks Staff Jan 16, 2004 11:19 AM
Sounds like another extravaganza! by Billectric Jan 17, 2004 6:05 PM
looks like by doreen peri Jan 18, 2004 9:20 PM
Seems Like a Possible Video Opportunity by emostat Jan 19, 2004 5:13 PM
looking for advice after issue #1 by honeydu Jan 16, 2004 9:19 AM
advise for honeydu by Sharik Jan 17, 2004 10:45 PM
thanks by honeydu Jan 18, 2004 7:37 AM
sorry, honeydu by Sharik Jan 18, 2004 1:44 PM
don't be sorry by honeydu Jan 18, 2004 1:57 PM
contributors by pathwise Jan 20, 2004 5:40 AM
thanks by honeydu Jan 20, 2004 7:27 AM
Zygote in my Coffee #2 now online! by zygotenmycoffee Jan 13, 2004 6:28 PM
The Cenacle | 48 | April 2003 by Cenacle Jan 13, 2004 5:14 PM
hey, cenacle by judih. Jan 16, 2004 10:40 AM
I just have to say, challenge is good... by Billectric Jan 12, 2004 5:48 PM
oh yeah? by doreen peri Jan 12, 2004 7:23 PM
you have a good point about by Billectric Jan 13, 2004 6:05 AM
the last story i wrote for quest by firsty Jan 13, 2004 6:39 AM
A tangential Q for you, Billectric by Sharik Jan 18, 2004 8:15 PM
well, let's see...where to begin... by Billectric Jan 20, 2004 10:05 AM
dear mr. s. the blocked by judih. Jan 20, 2004 7:12 PM
I get to a point when i'm tired of a story by Billectric Jan 21, 2004 11:30 AM
.........or not by judih. Jan 21, 2004 7:41 PM
You have a good point, judih by Billectric Jan 22, 2004 6:31 AM
Yes! by Sharik Jan 21, 2004 8:03 PM
mr. s by judih. Jan 21, 2004 8:12 PM
i am guest poetry editor by Andrew Lundwall Jan 6, 2004 11:02 AM
WOW! Cool website by zygotenmycoffee Jan 6, 2004 7:25 PM
it's been an interesting experience, by Andrew Lundwall Jan 7, 2004 11:51 AM
just tapped the surface... by sonofthesun Jan 12, 2004 11:40 PM
I know I still owe some chapbooks to some people... by Billectric Jan 3, 2004 5:01 PM
The books are in the mail ! by Billectric Jan 13, 2004 8:46 AM

Board Archive  •  Indie Writing & Publishing  •  January 2004

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