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Board Archive  •  LitKicks Feedback  •  September 2003
LitKicks Feedback

Are you having technical problems with any aspects of LitKicks, or do you have a question, issue or suggestion about how the site works? This board is the best place to get answers, or to provide feedback that will be helpful in improving the site.

When the Quest starts by Andeh Sep 30, 2003 11:58 AM
about the quest kick-off by firecracker Sep 30, 2003 12:10 PM
Thanks by Andeh Sep 30, 2003 12:27 PM
I CAN'T TAKE THE SUSPENSE by Billectric Sep 30, 2003 7:40 AM
don't shoot! by midnite Sep 30, 2003 7:50 AM
serious question by dustbunny Sep 29, 2003 4:45 PM
hi there re: panties by firecracker Sep 29, 2003 5:28 PM
hello re:panties by dustbunny Sep 29, 2003 6:31 PM
Like a boxer before a big fight by singlemalt Sep 29, 2003 11:46 AM
no sects by jim vinny Sep 29, 2003 11:50 AM
The Misunderstood Ladies by singlemalt Sep 29, 2003 11:54 AM
me and John Cusack go way back by jim vinny Sep 29, 2003 11:56 AM
I guess it's a better nickname than by singlemalt Sep 29, 2003 12:20 PM
what happened to some Boards? by e_dog Sep 28, 2003 6:51 PM
hi, e_dog by jamelah Sep 28, 2003 7:22 PM
stats! by mudshark Sep 26, 2003 1:32 PM
well, muddy by jamelah Sep 26, 2003 1:43 PM
liar... by feral Sep 26, 2003 3:45 PM
well by jamelah Sep 26, 2003 3:59 PM
stats? by jota Sep 27, 2003 3:53 PM
balderdash by Lawless Sep 27, 2003 11:57 PM
did I get in the quest? by Jo Jo Sep 25, 2003 9:40 PM
got it ... by brooklyn Sep 26, 2003 7:18 AM
Quest Quest Question !! by BuddhistPunk Sep 25, 2003 7:44 AM
hi BP by brooklyn Sep 25, 2003 8:15 AM
whens the quest by slog Sep 25, 2003 10:59 AM
9.30.03 by vaga Sep 25, 2003 11:42 AM
Message: boxes are really small!!!!! ahhh...or is it my comp? by Brushtongue Sep 25, 2003 5:01 AM
you mean ... by brooklyn Sep 25, 2003 5:25 AM
everything looks fine here... by Billectric Sep 25, 2003 5:32 AM
What settings... by Brushtongue Sep 25, 2003 5:56 AM
I don't know, by Billectric Sep 25, 2003 6:28 AM
yes the "your reply" box...I will check a few things... by Brushtongue Sep 25, 2003 5:55 AM
the only thing i could find by Billectric Sep 25, 2003 6:31 AM
Any other QUESTers in Asia? by Lawless Sep 24, 2003 9:45 PM
no by um Sep 25, 2003 3:51 AM
two from Hong Kong by brooklyn Sep 25, 2003 5:22 AM
austrailia or norway ? by um Sep 26, 2003 3:06 AM
payment problems by mudshark Sep 26, 2003 1:27 PM
me, lawless! by midnite Sep 26, 2003 6:55 AM
Does Australia count as Asia? by Lawless Sep 26, 2003 8:35 AM
sorry, i forgot australia! by brooklyn Sep 26, 2003 9:02 AM
no worries levi by midnite Sep 26, 2003 9:48 AM
west maybe best by midnite Sep 26, 2003 10:01 AM
How goes the quest? by Jo Jo Sep 24, 2003 5:59 PM
it goes well by jamelah Sep 24, 2003 6:38 PM
the quest is going well by brooklyn Sep 24, 2003 6:55 PM
dear support by jota Sep 24, 2003 4:43 PM
Where all does this press release go? by Billectric Sep 24, 2003 6:27 PM
i'll by jota Sep 24, 2003 6:38 PM
i had already logged off by Billectric Sep 25, 2003 5:25 AM
where we're going with LitKicks articles by brooklyn Sep 24, 2003 1:12 PM
Children's authors by Lawless Sep 24, 2003 9:44 PM
that would be great by brooklyn Sep 25, 2003 5:24 AM
Dahl's adult stories by Lawless Sep 25, 2003 10:55 AM
I look forward to by Billectric Sep 25, 2003 5:26 AM
a modest proposal by jota Sep 27, 2003 3:51 PM
this is actually by firecracker Sep 27, 2003 4:20 PM
on a different tip by in_extremis Sep 23, 2003 7:01 PM
hm by jamelah Sep 23, 2003 8:04 PM
yeah by in_extremis Sep 23, 2003 10:07 PM
No more harassing, I did it by singlemalt Sep 23, 2003 11:28 AM
great! by firecracker Sep 23, 2003 11:38 AM
his name is Johnny Cochrane by jim vinny Sep 23, 2003 11:49 AM
Nope not Martha by singlemalt Sep 23, 2003 11:54 AM
hey dude by jim vinny Sep 23, 2003 11:59 AM
About 50 lawyers by singlemalt Sep 23, 2003 12:03 PM
you ever deal by jim vinny Sep 23, 2003 12:06 PM
Sorry no Canucks by singlemalt Sep 23, 2003 12:19 PM
no, you're wrong by ellipsis Sep 23, 2003 11:58 AM
Strike two by singlemalt Sep 23, 2003 12:01 PM
alright Dick by jim vinny Sep 23, 2003 12:05 PM
I ususally prefer by singlemalt Sep 23, 2003 12:21 PM
Question... by buddhabitch Sep 23, 2003 6:06 AM
we save everything by brooklyn Sep 23, 2003 6:43 AM
Thanks bud... by buddhabitch Sep 23, 2003 7:10 AM
don't know if you've tried this.. by vaga Sep 24, 2003 5:36 PM
Thanks vaga... by buddhabitch Sep 24, 2003 6:10 PM
you know what i never get around to? by in_extremis Sep 22, 2003 8:42 PM
i hate to do this by jim vinny Sep 23, 2003 7:09 AM
hey thanks by in_extremis Sep 23, 2003 8:09 AM
dear in_ex: by jamelah Sep 23, 2003 7:18 AM
hey jam by in_extremis Sep 23, 2003 8:23 AM
yeah by jamelah Sep 23, 2003 8:47 AM
thanks by stevadore Sep 23, 2003 9:04 AM
you know what i never get around to? by stevadore Sep 23, 2003 7:53 AM
that's fine by in_extremis Sep 23, 2003 8:31 AM
enough. by firecracker Sep 23, 2003 8:41 AM
yes well, by stevadore Sep 23, 2003 8:57 AM
honey...(edited...something we all need, including you) by buddhabitch Sep 23, 2003 7:57 AM
karma by in_extremis Sep 23, 2003 8:35 AM
c'mon dude. by Yabyum Sep 23, 2003 3:33 PM
and now for something completely different by lebris Sep 24, 2003 9:32 AM
i think some people missed the point by ellipsis Sep 24, 2003 9:43 AM
sure by firecracker Sep 24, 2003 9:59 AM
of course by ellipsis Sep 24, 2003 10:15 AM
well... by firecracker Sep 24, 2003 10:23 AM
all grammar aside by pelerine Sep 24, 2003 10:50 AM
you know, by stevadore Sep 24, 2003 12:11 PM
steve... by buddhabitch Sep 24, 2003 3:34 PM
soo by stevadore Sep 25, 2003 7:05 AM
hey steve.. by mnaz Sep 30, 2003 5:56 AM
quest question by piph Sep 22, 2003 3:43 PM
speed, piph ... by brooklyn Sep 22, 2003 3:59 PM
thanks by piph Sep 23, 2003 7:44 AM
Requesting permission... by Alex Uziel Sep 22, 2003 7:08 AM
sure ... by brooklyn Sep 22, 2003 7:17 AM
I'm calling it... by Alex Uziel Sep 22, 2003 7:33 AM
bin thinkin by um Sep 22, 2003 12:14 AM
i assumed by Knip Sep 22, 2003 1:07 AM
good point by Billectric Sep 22, 2003 5:25 AM
numbers are dead giveaways by judih. Sep 22, 2003 5:56 AM
you've really confused me now by Billectric Sep 22, 2003 6:28 AM
we want the whole writer, the whole person by brooklyn Sep 22, 2003 7:13 AM
i absolutely agree by Yabyum Sep 22, 2003 6:23 PM
knew you'd by um Sep 23, 2003 3:25 AM
a thought by in_extremis Sep 22, 2003 7:50 AM
I want to change my Quest registration to by Billectric Sep 21, 2003 2:39 PM
i told by Yabyum Sep 21, 2003 3:00 PM
i did it by Billectric Sep 21, 2003 5:12 PM
cool by um Sep 21, 2003 11:14 PM
I hate Paypal by wife of bath Sep 21, 2003 11:09 AM
hmmm by jamelah Sep 21, 2003 11:29 AM
to wife of bath and jamelah (or fc or brooklyn) by Knip Sep 21, 2003 11:33 PM
right, this is okay by brooklyn Sep 22, 2003 6:53 AM
In all this there are messages indeed for a people who use their reason. by Christian Silver Sep 21, 2003 1:09 AM
Silver is in the ha-ouse ! by Billectric Sep 21, 2003 2:35 PM
I could be totally off-base on this, but are you paraphrasing by Billectric Sep 23, 2003 11:03 AM
My Rhyming Rants by budragus Sep 20, 2003 2:40 PM
great, we need a laugh by brooklyn Sep 20, 2003 6:11 PM
tough crowd... by Billectric Sep 20, 2003 8:19 PM
looking forward by Lawless Sep 21, 2003 12:17 AM
welcome aboard... by anniefay Sep 21, 2003 5:02 AM
shalom, aloha, buenos dias, by Yabyum Sep 21, 2003 11:24 AM
i've been posting.. by doreen peri Sep 21, 2003 5:16 PM
Well whaddaya know, check it out folks... by Alex Uziel Sep 22, 2003 7:06 AM
damn by jota Sep 20, 2003 11:42 AM
press release? by Yabyum Sep 20, 2003 11:51 AM
yes by jota Sep 20, 2003 11:54 AM
cool by Billectric Sep 20, 2003 8:21 PM
holy crap man by Yabyum Sep 21, 2003 9:03 AM
We saw the movie today by Billectric Sep 21, 2003 2:38 PM
that was by um Sep 21, 2003 2:03 AM
hey jota by ellipsis Sep 21, 2003 3:43 PM
Kickers staff -- I'm freaking out by singlemalt Sep 19, 2003 10:57 AM
for example by singlemalt Sep 19, 2003 10:59 AM
rest easy... by jamelah Sep 19, 2003 11:08 AM
phew by singlemalt Sep 19, 2003 11:17 AM
How do we know by Billectric Sep 19, 2003 11:41 AM
people...PEOPLE!! by learned Sep 19, 2003 5:57 AM
magazines by brooklyn Sep 19, 2003 6:42 AM
in both our dreams by learned Sep 19, 2003 4:21 PM
i only discovered this site recently... by MichaelAMichael Sep 17, 2003 10:12 AM
how do i get stuff published by MichaelAMichael Sep 17, 2003 10:10 AM
you might check by ellipsis Sep 17, 2003 10:17 AM
hi by jamelah Sep 17, 2003 10:22 AM
save up about $20,000.00 and by Billectric Sep 22, 2003 7:03 AM
Quest and time differences by Lawless Sep 17, 2003 8:39 AM
not a problem by brooklyn Sep 17, 2003 9:11 AM
problems with AOL on Macs? by brooklyn Sep 16, 2003 10:48 AM
this aol mac user... moi... by doreen peri Sep 18, 2003 6:20 PM
hi doreen! by firecracker Sep 18, 2003 6:38 PM
i'm glad to hear it by brooklyn Sep 19, 2003 6:48 AM
OS 9 by doreen peri Sep 21, 2003 5:12 PM
hey... by sonofthesun Sep 14, 2003 3:35 AM
front page notes by brooklyn Sep 14, 2003 7:26 AM
It probably would be by Billectric Sep 14, 2003 12:52 PM
well ... by brooklyn Sep 14, 2003 6:38 PM
opinion by judih. Sep 14, 2003 6:59 PM
well, i wasn't by Billectric Sep 14, 2003 7:18 PM
not losing sleep? by judih. Sep 14, 2003 7:22 PM
You would deprive me of my nap? by Billectric Sep 15, 2003 4:45 AM
I think it works.... by buddhabitch Sep 14, 2003 7:41 PM
well, see here by Yabyum Sep 14, 2003 7:47 PM
yep by um Sep 14, 2003 11:58 PM
Just wondering by Lawless Sep 17, 2003 8:16 AM
the mysterious couple by brooklyn Sep 17, 2003 8:36 AM
Yey! by Lawless Sep 17, 2003 9:30 AM
just how i was feelin by sonofthesun Sep 16, 2003 12:55 AM
understood by brooklyn Sep 16, 2003 6:16 AM
its an oldie but a goodie by Yabyum Sep 16, 2003 10:16 PM
nitpicking by in_extremis Sep 13, 2003 9:18 PM
but brevity is the soul of wit by brooklyn Sep 14, 2003 7:22 AM
keeps up by um Sep 14, 2003 4:45 PM
i guess by doreen peri Sep 15, 2003 10:26 AM
if litkicks took visa.... by Knip Sep 13, 2003 8:24 PM
soon we hope by brooklyn Sep 14, 2003 7:18 AM
my problem with paypal by Knip Sep 14, 2003 11:33 AM
get a system by brooklyn Sep 14, 2003 6:41 PM
I save some passwords in by Billectric Sep 14, 2003 7:20 PM
Quest Question by twotymer97 Sep 12, 2003 11:42 AM
hey there! by firecracker Sep 12, 2003 11:50 AM
Schwwwwweeeeeeet!!! by twotymer97 Sep 12, 2003 11:58 AM
about the quest by Himali Sep 12, 2003 2:07 AM
awesome! by firecracker Sep 12, 2003 5:11 AM
the setup of theses boards by minfin Sep 11, 2003 5:46 PM
if you're having problems w/ scrolling... by firecracker Sep 11, 2003 6:07 PM
one other thing... by firecracker Sep 11, 2003 6:29 PM
yeah ok by minfin Sep 12, 2003 8:26 PM
Hassan Heiserman by kerouacfan Sep 11, 2003 11:28 AM
Quest question by stevadore Sep 11, 2003 10:20 AM
hi steve by brooklyn Sep 11, 2003 11:25 AM
ok by stevadore Sep 12, 2003 6:04 AM
a question out of curiosity by ellipsis Sep 11, 2003 7:32 AM
i think it's because by firecracker Sep 11, 2003 7:41 AM
yes but by ellipsis Sep 11, 2003 7:49 AM
view the posts... by firecracker Sep 11, 2003 7:55 AM
oh, i see by ellipsis Sep 11, 2003 8:03 AM
in other words ... by brooklyn Sep 11, 2003 10:03 AM
Isn't that the name of by Billectric Sep 11, 2003 10:54 AM
I Should Fix This? by brooklyn Sep 11, 2003 11:27 AM
Yesterday...and Today by Billectric Sep 11, 2003 11:50 AM
I'm having a slight difficulty by ruby tuesday Sep 10, 2003 7:20 PM
not sure what's causing this by brooklyn Sep 10, 2003 9:52 PM
Yes, it's me by ruby tuesday Sep 12, 2003 9:52 AM
hi ruby! by firecracker Sep 11, 2003 6:09 PM
Hi FC by ruby tuesday Sep 12, 2003 10:01 AM
What does it mean when by Billectric Sep 8, 2003 2:00 PM
well, bill by jamelah Sep 8, 2003 2:20 PM
i KNEW it by Billectric Sep 8, 2003 6:20 PM
eye-itis by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 5:07 PM
hehehe. i only had the problem at work by Billectric Sep 8, 2003 6:30 PM
Quest Question by Billectric Sep 8, 2003 1:17 PM
hi bill by firecracker Sep 8, 2003 4:55 PM
your motif by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 5:05 PM
no problem by Billectric Sep 8, 2003 6:23 PM
right by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 6:38 PM
That reminds me of a story... by Billectric Sep 8, 2003 6:48 PM
Oh, shit, here we go... by firecracker Sep 9, 2003 7:15 AM
Burroughs by foolish_Paeter Sep 11, 2003 7:07 PM
The american Idol of Writing? by Jo Jo Sep 8, 2003 11:01 AM
hey there Jo Jo! by firecracker Sep 8, 2003 11:08 AM
just pay up and shut up by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 5:09 PM
by the way by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 6:35 PM
I think... by rain70 Sep 9, 2003 8:55 AM
Re: Front page New Book announcement by judih. Sep 8, 2003 7:39 AM
oh yeah by ellipsis Sep 8, 2003 7:56 AM
'e-mailing the Quest': by ARAHH Sep 8, 2003 1:27 AM
second email address by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 5:15 AM
me ? by ARAHH Sep 8, 2003 7:18 AM
oops by brooklyn Sep 8, 2003 8:13 AM
internet Explorer Glitch by in_earth Sep 7, 2003 11:44 AM
hmmmm by firecracker Sep 7, 2003 11:52 AM
i recently installed the windows patch by in_earth Sep 7, 2003 2:59 PM
hmmmm by firecracker Sep 7, 2003 3:16 PM
where could i get one of those scanners fc? by in_earth Sep 7, 2003 3:31 PM
well by firecracker Sep 7, 2003 3:51 PM
thanks for the help fc! by in_earth Sep 7, 2003 4:11 PM
Download netscape 7.1 by anonymous-one Sep 7, 2003 9:41 PM
donations. by mnaz Sep 6, 2003 11:13 PM
sure by LitKicks Staff Sep 7, 2003 5:21 AM
genral search feature by Cranial13 Sep 6, 2003 11:39 AM
hi cranial by firecracker Sep 6, 2003 12:08 PM
*The QUEST FAQ* -- Need Answers? We've Got 'Em, Now Sign Up! by firecracker Sep 4, 2003 7:27 PM
Hmmmm... by artguy Sep 5, 2003 8:55 AM
Question about the feedback... by pottygok Sep 5, 2003 6:54 PM
hi pottygok by jamelah Sep 6, 2003 7:50 AM
Gary Snyder by JeremyTyler Sep 4, 2003 6:34 AM
hi jeremy-- by jamelah Sep 4, 2003 7:52 AM
what do you think of paypal? by brooklyn Sep 3, 2003 9:40 AM
can't by buddhabitch Sep 3, 2003 10:17 AM
sure by firecracker Sep 3, 2003 10:26 AM
yes, definitely by brooklyn Sep 3, 2003 10:28 AM
Thank you both... by buddhabitch Sep 3, 2003 11:24 AM
thanks by brooklyn Sep 3, 2003 2:16 PM
i've been thinking about by Billectric Sep 5, 2003 7:00 PM
hell, brooklyn, I'd give ya the twenty by Lightning Rod Sep 2, 2003 11:32 AM
you would, or you will? by brooklyn Sep 2, 2003 12:25 PM
I'll pay forty dollars NOT to compete by Lightning Rod Sep 2, 2003 1:07 PM
sure will! by brooklyn Sep 2, 2003 1:14 PM
I hope you know by Lightning Rod Sep 2, 2003 1:19 PM
competition by violet9ish Sep 2, 2003 3:30 PM
yes, games of skill by Lightning Rod Sep 2, 2003 4:07 PM
WHAT?!?!?!?! by Jim Furnish Sep 3, 2003 11:08 AM
the humidity in houston by violet9ish Sep 4, 2003 3:48 PM
You pookah-possessed crazy man... by Billectric Sep 2, 2003 12:48 PM
ah by Lightning Rod Sep 2, 2003 1:08 PM
pookah-possessed crazy man by picasso Sep 3, 2003 11:49 AM
so.... who's signed up for the Quest thing so far? by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 9:55 AM
well, doreen by jamelah Sep 2, 2003 10:00 AM
people will be participating anonymously? by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 10:40 AM
ok, i'll rephrase the question... how many people by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 10:52 AM
regarding numbers & fraud by firecracker Sep 2, 2003 11:09 AM
i was just wondering.. by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 11:19 AM
no problem by brooklyn Sep 2, 2003 11:26 AM
big thermometer things? by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 11:46 AM
yeah, big thermometer things by brooklyn Sep 2, 2003 1:15 PM
ohhhhh by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 3:35 PM
if i signed up and used a different name, by foolish_Paeter Sep 2, 2003 3:34 PM
I know by Lightning Rod Sep 2, 2003 4:27 PM
well... by firecracker Sep 2, 2003 11:29 AM
i guess.. by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 11:40 AM
Hah! by buddhabitch Sep 2, 2003 2:02 PM
if i had time... by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 2:47 PM
it doesn't take too much by buddhabitch Sep 2, 2003 3:06 PM
haiku collection by doreen peri Sep 2, 2003 3:25 PM
maybe i have by Billectric Sep 4, 2003 9:08 AM
Publication? by Brushtongue Sep 2, 2003 3:09 AM
check by um Sep 2, 2003 3:22 AM
yes by brooklyn Sep 2, 2003 6:05 AM
TY by Brushtongue Sep 2, 2003 8:08 PM
Ha! by Brushtongue Sep 2, 2003 8:11 PM
yw by um Sep 3, 2003 1:45 AM
did my article show up? by eumenades Sep 1, 2003 10:34 PM
post in a different place? by brooklyn Sep 2, 2003 5:59 AM
thanks by eumenades Sep 3, 2003 1:51 AM
I'm looking forward by Billectric Sep 12, 2003 9:51 AM

Board Archive  •  LitKicks Feedback  •  September 2003

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