Beat News: February 2 1999

1. Lots of people have heard about the excellent Kurt Vonnegut graduation speech that got sent all over the internet last year before everybody figured out that Vonnegut never gave the speech. But here, and also pretty good, is something Kurt Vonnegut actually did say.

2. If you’re in New York: there’ll be a big Burroughs tribute bash Saturday, Feb 5 at 1 pm at St. Mark’s Church in the East Village, with folks like Steve Buscemi, Richard Hell, Barry Miles, Maggie Estep, James Graueurholz reading. Then on Wednesday, Feb 10 at 7:30, there’ll be a big messy Kerouac bash at the Living Room on 84 Stanton St in Soho, with readings by folks like Ann Douglas, David Amram, David’s daughter Adira Amram, Frank Messina, Brian Hassett and me.

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